A rich man was trying to find a good birthday gift for his daughter when he saw a poor man leading a beautiful white horse. He told the man he would give him $500 for the horse. The man replied, "I don't know, mister, it don't look so good," and he walked away. The next day the rich man came back and offered the man $1000 for the horse. The man replied, "I don't know, mister, it don't look so good." On the third day, the rich man came and offered $2,000 for the horse and said he wouldn't take no for an answer this time. The poor man agreed to the sale and the rich man took the horse. The rich man's daughter loved her birthday present. She climbed onto the horse's back, urged the horse to go and the horse galloped right into a tree. The rich man hurried to the poor man's house and demanded an explanation for the horse's blindness. The poor man said, "I told you it don't look so good."