Ahmed was a high ranking official in King Akbar's court. He had one long standing wish: to suckle at the voluptuos breasts of the Queen to his hearts desire. Every time he passed the queen he got frustrated. One day he revealed his desire to the King's chief advisor, Birbal, and begged him to do something which would allow him to achieve what he yearned for more than anything else in the world. Birbal, after much thought agreed on the condition that once his desire had been met, Ahmed would pay him 1000 gold coins. Ahmed agreed. The next day Birbal prepared a high octane itching lotion and poured it into the Queen's bra whilst she took her morning bath. Soon the itching started and grew in intensity, and the King became very concerned indeed. Consultations with the doctors and with Birbal to whom the doctors reported revealed that only a special saliva applied for four hours would cure the malady. Birbal also advised the King that, in the whole of Arabia, only Ahmed's mouth carried this saliva. King Akbar immediately summoned Ahmed and ordered him to apply his special saliva to the Queens breasts for four hours and Ahmed dutifully set to the task by licking, biting pressing and playing with her breasts for the prescribed period thus achieving his heart's desire. Satisfied, he returned to Birbal but, to Birbals rage, refused to honour his agreement by paying him the agreed 1000 gold coins knowing, as he did that Birbal could never reveal the matter to the King. But Ahmed had underestimated Birbal. The very next day, Birbal put the same lotion into King Akbar's underwear. The King again summoned Ahmed.........