Q: How does James Bond like his pussy? A: Shaven, not furred. Q: Did you hear Lorena Bobbit was killed in a car crash yesterday? A: Some dick cut her off. Q. Why does a dumb woman with a good body lie face down at a nude beach? A. To make a good impression Q. Why was the Japanese street-walker starving? A. Because no one had a yen for her Q. What do you call a man who's lucky in love? A. A bachelor Q. What do you call a Jewish homosexual? A. A He-Blew Q: Why do mountain climbers rope themselves together? A: To prevent the sensible ones from going home. Q: What's the definition of an Impotent Loser? A: A guy who can't even get his hopes up. Q: If Eve wore a fig leaf, what did Adam wear? A: A hole in it.