Osama bin Laden's To-Do List Shave, change gender, bleach hair blond, change name to "Desiree" and move to Paris to pursue my dream of being a dancer! Unplug flashing neon "Osama's Place!" sign. Redeem gift certificate for Honey Baked Ham before it expires. Order another gross of Change of Address cards. Delete Pakistani prime minister from my AOL Buddy List. Trim beard down to sassy goatee to look more "dangerous." Quit smoking opium. Man, the crazy stuff I do when I smoke opium! Order some gingham curtains from Pottery Barn to brighten up the cave. Stop by Toys 'R' Us and pick up some more friggin' Pokemon crap for the kids. Complete metamorphosis into adult housefly. Have Cosmo subscription forwarded to Hindu Kush bunker. 11:30 Eat Fruit Rollups while watching "Friends" via bunker satellite. Call Century 21. List the cave. Stat! Pitch "Who Wants to Marry The World's #1 Most Wanted Man" concept to FOX. Devise plan to get in the pants of that capitalist dog, Britney Spears.