Phrases to Avoid When Writing Your Own Wedding Vows 14> "HEY, BITCH, LISTEN UP!!" 13> " sickness and in health, unless it's Super Bowl Sunday." 12> "... and henceforth, thus referring to section 4.7, paragraph 3, line 29 in said prenuptial agreement..." 11> " appease Cthullhu." 10> "...a much better lay than my brother." 9> "...until debt do us part." 8> "DaHjaj SuvwI'e' jIH!" (Trekkie weddings only) 7> " love, honor, and fillet..." 6> "...and at least consider the possibility of an occasional three-way." 5> " love, honor, and protect you from the real killers..." 4> "till death, or a reasonable enough facsimile thereof, do us part." 3> " IPO or Chapter 11...." 2> "...on Springer or Montel..." 1> "In the words of Elizabeth Taylor..."