There once was a hermit named Dave Who kept a dead whore in his cave. She smelled like shit, And was missing a tit. But think of the money he saved. ************************************* There once was a man from Brighton Who said to his girl, "You're a tight one" She said, "Pardon my soul, But you're in the wrong hole. There's plenty of room in the right one." **************************************** There once was a man from Nantucket Whose dick was so long he could suck it. As he said with great glee, As it hung past his knee, "If my nose were a cunt I could fuck it" ***************************** There was an old man from Wheeling Who got drunk and started reeling He tripped on a crack and fell on his back and pissed all over the ceiling. ********************** A Flighty young gal named Melissa, Was careless as hell on the pissa... One day in the rush, She was caught in the flush, And goodness knows all of us missa! ******************************* There once was a man named Fred, He was in search of getting head. He went to Dallas, And found a Pussy Palace, And settled for that instead!! **************************************** There was a young fellow from Yale, Whose face was exceedingly pale... He spent his vacation, In self-masturbation, Because of the high price of tail. **************************************