Q: What is the leading cause of death with lesbians? A: Hair Balls Q: what can Life savers do that men Cannot? A: Come in 5 Flavors Q: What is good on pizza but bad on pussy? A Crust Q: Why does Miss Piggy douche with Honey? A: Because Kermit likes sweet and sour pork Q: How can you tell if you have a high sperm count? A: If your partner chews before swallowing <~~~ EWWW GROSS Q: What do you get when you put Raggedy Ann and the Pillsbury Dough boy together? A: A red headed bitch with a yeast infection. Q: What's the difference between a bonus and a Boner? A: Your wife will blow your bonus.. Q: What's the difference between a wife and a job? A: After 20 yrs the job still sucks. Q: What is the definition of wicker box? A: It's what Elmer Fudd wants to do to Madonna. q: How can you tell a sumo wrestler from a feminist? A: A sumo wrestler shaves his legs. Q: Why do married men like blowjobs so much? A: 15 mins of silence.