There is a plane crash in the desert and the only survivors are a Scotsman, Englishman, and an Irishman. As they walk across the desert it becomes obvious that they might not make it. The Englishman says to the others that it is a horrible way to die as the vultures swoop down as you lay there dying and peck your eyes out. The Scotsman says "Ackk, that dinnae sound like the way I'd want to go." So they make a pact as each one dies the other(s) would bury them face down. The Englishman is the first to die and as promised the two dig a grave and bury him face down and cover him up. Then the Scotsman dies and the Irishman almost dead himself, digs a shallow grave and buries him face down and covers him over. Finally the Irishman, exhausted and sensing he is near death digs a small hole just big enough to fit his head in so the vultures couldn't peck his eyes out and covers his head with sand. Along comes an Arab and spots this ass sticking out of the sand, so the Arab jumps off his camel and proceeds to fucking this white ass sticking out of the sand. The Arab is pounding it into the Irishman, when his weak voice cries out "You fucking vultures can peck all you want , but you are still not getting my eyes!!!"