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Anyone who belonged to the BWJokes joke list must RE-SUBSCRIBE.  Yahoo (the pricks) deleted the entire group so I'm starting a new one.
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BWJokes Humor Archives

I finally broke down and sprung for my own server so that you guys won't be bothered with all the pop ups that Fortune City was putting on my pages.  And since I now have almost unlimited space, I've replaced all the compressed audio and video clips with the un-compressed originals that I have.

Text jokes are on this page, but you can follow the links to go to the JPG pages which contains over 3000 cartoons, the Audio page which has dozens of great un-compressed sound clips, the Video page where I put together a collection of 100's of unique video clips of funny commercials and a lot of other outrageous stuff and the Parody Songs page with 200+ full length parody songs.

Join the BWJokes mailing list to receive a daily dose of my unique humor.
Just fill in the box at the top of the page.

Text Jokes

New Additions
for Jan. 2007
100 Years Ago History
Two Feet Limericks
Alibi Morals
Amish Mrs Clause
Deductions Odds
Disappearing Oz
Dude! Political Stats
Easy Questions Questions & Answers
Gates More Q & A's
Geek Speak Repairs
Golf Rules Soldiers
Henry Wrong Guy

New Additions
for Dec. 2006
Ass Sale Polly
The Bear More Q & A's
Crap Rescue
New Darwin School
Exam Sex
Family Feud Shark Attack
Fishing Shoes
Hobo Sick
Real Meanings Todo
Miss America Undies
Nixon Disease Vows
Pharmacist Womens Thoughts
New Additions
for Nov. 2006
911 Golf
Awards Great News
Barber Headlines
Carn Names A Hippie
Cider Another Hippie
More on Clinton The Lady
The Conductor Lazy
Crap Midget
Echo Mommy
Einstein Pain
Friends Pizza Boy
Getting Old Plates

New Additions
for Oct. 2006
Beaty Loan
Bible Fun MIT
Castaway Misc.
Coconuts New Jersey
Court Poop
Cowboys Q n A
Definitions Sailor
Farming Surgery
God Ticket
Honor Turkey
Jackson Viagra Substitutes
Libel Vultures

New Additions
for Sept. 2006
Arthritis Indian Winter
Brass Monkey Lame Jokes
Bush's "To Do" List Language Barrier
How to Piss Off a Cop Mad Cow
We Deliver Rejected Motel 6 Slogans
Cookie Dough NFL Official Complaints
Draw the Line Not Perfect
Ethnic Humor Practical Joke
10 Reasons Flu is OK Robbery
Out of the U. K. Sex Ed
Hair Cuts Sex Facts
Hand Job Soap & Water
Actual Headlines More State Laws
I. D. Ten "T" Error The Texan
Wink, Wink Trouble at Work

New Additions
for Aug. 2006
Beer Men Won't Say
Bloke Etiquette Men Will Say
Bra A Music Story
Breast Fed New Job
But First Special Saliva
Commandments Sergeants
Workers Compensation Sven
Definitions TV Facts
Definitions2 Women (1-25)
Dog Tricks Women (26-50)
Gift Women (51-75)
Guilt Women (76-100)